The scapegoats of Dorchester Park “Baa” ha ha
written by Janet Lee Harrold photo credit Erin Murphy and Dorchester On Line Times
Baa ha ha, we have decided to re define the word “goatscape” to best describe our hard working four legged friends that have been employed at Dorchester Park for the past two seasons.
“scapegoat” according to – Wiktionary
The goats were brought into the park last year with the help of Lisa Ahern and the members of the Dorchester Park Association. The initial intention was to bring goats into the Park to help control the invasive weed species that are threatening to take over this historic landscape. Mission accomplished, they did such an amazing job that the community decided to raise enough funds to bring the goats back again this year! Everyone was just thrilled to welcome the goats back, they never imagined the additional value that these “kids” brought to the park and the community at large. The neighborhood has simply fallen in love with them, the children have been reading stories to them, the Kenny Elementary School even held their own fundraiser to help keep the goats in the park. Overall bonds have been made and educational experiences have been broadened. The goats have enriched the landscape and neighborhood.
Last night after the goats punched their time clock, they decided to hit the streets of Dorchester, they were first spotted on Adams St. by Erin Murphy (City Councilor At Large) and Brian Holmes… a call to Lisa Ahern and the delicacy of few choice carrots led them back to safety under the fence. This was not the first time they escaped, just a little over a week ago young couple and their two children were playing tennis and saved the goats from escaping, their herding skills saved the day and they were brought back to safety, an experience the family will never forget.
Though this post may seem a bit light hearted, no “kidding” around, last night they were dangerously close to traffic, so a decision was made to temporarily send them back to the farm until the fence can be reinforced. Just goes to prove to these goats that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.
Moral of the story, if you live in Dorchester, never leave your home without packing a few carrots just in case.
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