Oscars on the Avenue

03 Mar

written by Richard O’Mara

Last night I had the opportunity to act as auctioneer at the Oscars on the Avenue Event hosted by St Marks Area Main Streets.  SMAMS has been an active organization who’s mission is to improve the quality of the business environment and  community life along a one mile stretch of Dorchester Ave.  They organize the beautification of the area, The Ashmont Peabody Farmer’s Market  along with Holiday Tree Lighting and numerous other things.

oscars awarded

oscars gowns


It was great to see the community come together, all decked out, some in tuxedos and gown, suits and outfits befitting movie stars!!  A Silent Auction was held and I auctioned off five live auction items that helped raise an additional $3000.00 to the proceeds of this event!  I am a firm believer in giving back to the community and had a blast…..Thanks SMAMS for inviting me to play such a prominent role in their event.

red carpet

oscars crowd

oscars statues



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