Container Gardens Anywhere and Everywhere
Maybe you would like to add some interest to your front door, or define a walkway at the back entrance. Container gardens look great anywhere and can enhance any patio or deck, they are a fantastic addition to set around the pool. The options are absolutely endless and are the best choice to add a vibrant pop of color and fragrance as they welcome your guests and even bring a smile to your face after a long days work.
Choosing the right pot and perfect plants for your space can sometimes be a fun way to welcome spring and other times the choices can be overwhelming, particularly if you are a novice gardener or just too busy to get your container gardens started. Once established and properly planted your containers are very low maintenance.
Whether you are interested in seeing annuals, perennials or herbs, planting container gardens and decorating window boxes are our specialty. Let an experienced designer work with you to customize your space and bring an extra burst of color, texture and design to your doorstep.
To be added to the spring schedule call the shop today. 617.66825.8582
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